1000 Days of Trump


@kinsmed Jan 5, 2019
It is getting easier and more fun to poke holes in this gasbag. https://t.co/CULm0Wxkm7

@kinsmed Jan 5, 2019
, day 715 https://t.co/GRUKPk6lLR

@kinsmed Jan 6, 2019
I told you they would try to walk away from the ‘Party of Trump’, @Thom_Hartmann

@kinsmed Jan 6, 2019
Did Scalise vote for a $2billion tax cut for people who are already billionaires? THAT’S fantastic… https://t.co/MCBbP7tcSN

@kinsmed Jan 6, 2019
The guy who created ‘fake news’ uses fake news. https://t.co/QP8QX3kJxE

@kinsmed Jan 6, 2019
…said the guy with 4000 lawsuits and 7 federal investigations against him. https://t.co/nVVkWhB38F

@kinsmed Jan 6, 2019
HEADS UP to followers… When Benedict Donald resigns or is impeached, a wall of humor is coming.

@kinsmed Jan 6, 2019
, day 716 https://t.co/klbUP95W6u

@kinsmed Jan 6, 2019
I wonder how many of Wallace’s sources were Fox News… https://t.co/LGtnyexcIA

@kinsmed Jan 7, 2019
Haven’t heard of this source before, but if true… WHERE IS JOE McCARTHY NOW? https://t.co/VopNaFsn0y

@kinsmed Jan 7, 2019
“Big Bang…” is not Jim Parsons, it is respect for characters and humorous writing. https://t.co/wn0S6v5jZZ

@kinsmed Jan 7, 2019
Could YOU handle Trump’s schedule? https://t.co/29gQ4zQUNx

@kinsmed Jan 7, 2019
Don’t tell Trump The Wall® needs to be 35000′ high. https://t.co/jDNycmb2N3

@kinsmed Jan 7, 2019
, day 717 https://t.co/ZXROC9JPWF

@kinsmed Jan 7, 2019
Dee-licious. https://t.co/UuhkN2pCVj

@kinsmed Jan 8, 2019
The best thing to stop a bad guy who says he has a gun is a woman with training. https://t.co/GMUPFts2aH

@kinsmed Jan 8, 2019
Tighten border where terrorists DONT pass, weaken airports where terrorists DO pass. https://t.co/iUQz9xkEr1

@kinsmed Jan 9, 2019
, day 718 https://t.co/8iXNedAoyS

@kinsmed Jan 9, 2019
Why don’t you get the 5billion out of the 2TRILLION you gave your buddies? https://t.co/ebFFQNDIwu

@kinsmed Jan 9, 2019
Let’s remember the crisis dead; two Guatemalan children… https://t.co/GoeKtsUdmP

@kinsmed Jan 9, 2019
Did I say 7 investigations against Trump? I should have said 17! https://t.co/3Ivu8oP410

@kinsmed Jan 9, 2019
Family (Legal) Matters WhiteHouseSitcoms

@kinsmed Jan 9, 2019
Amercia’s Funniest Hosed Videos WhiteHouseSitcoms

@kinsmed Jan 9, 2019
House of Cads WhiteHouseSitcoms

@kinsmed Jan 9, 2019
WHY? https://t.co/LFaTjSzYjP

@kinsmed Jan 9, 2019
You realize shutdowns cost MORE… right? https://t.co/CBQ5TOMIns

@kinsmed Jan 9, 2019
Will it have porn stars paid-off with hush money? https://t.co/HgOMARDd1U

@kinsmed Jan 9, 2019
, day 719 https://t.co/FE1LiXd0iN

@kinsmed Jan 10, 2019
This guy is getting billions in free publicity. Says he, ‘not good enough’. https://t.co/nzssh9mYHQ

@kinsmed Jan 10, 2019
Psalm 22. https://t.co/Zt1ySYT8yf

@kinsmed Jan 10, 2019
The ‘border security crisis’ that caused a ‘boarder security crisis’. https://t.co/9JEvlp0Mxz

@kinsmed Jan 10, 2019
, day 720 https://t.co/RR50LQgLvI

@kinsmed Jan 11, 2019
Let’s talk about these ‘good guy with a gun’ claims… https://t.co/67iZ10wSHM

@kinsmed Jan 11, 2019
, day 721 https://t.co/D4oBo3ep7J

@kinsmed Jan 13, 2019
I have announced my candidacy for Lakewood City Council… for one term. It’s time for change. Choose Chas. https://t.co/4ILFb8Dvjm

@kinsmed Jan 13, 2019
, day 722 https://t.co/VBMuOK7rAv

@kinsmed Jan 13, 2019
…said the porn star rawdogger who paid hookers to pee. https://t.co/zC9RXkVNel

@kinsmed Jan 14, 2019
, day 723 https://t.co/FfvdGPz3Ta

@kinsmed Jan 14, 2019
If I was a Trumpette, I’d say ‘somebody is just trying to discredit him with a made-up story like this’. Nope. https://t.co/7yrpHawSNW

@kinsmed Jan 14, 2019
Yep. This officially makes it a dictatorship. Well, we had a good run. https://t.co/2L1GmnqHf6

@kinsmed Jan 14, 2019
What Third World country is having to do th… Seriously?!! https://t.co/6Q9H7kxgev

@kinsmed Jan 14, 2019
…are you KIDDING me?! https://t.co/cw6CcLdPRV

@kinsmed Jan 14, 2019

  1. https://t.co/i5NyYgP3CB

@kinsmed Jan 14, 2019
This anti-American traitor IS going to jail. https://t.co/jBUIblMTD3

@kinsmed Jan 14, 2019
If I had sponsors… this would currently be the only one. https://t.co/1cEvWTLMSw

@kinsmed Jan 14, 2019
(sung to “America- My Country ‘Tis Of Thee”) “Land of hypocrisy, thy name is GOP…” https://t.co/vab7aZibpV

@kinsmed Jan 14, 2019
Don’t tell Trump supporters… https://t.co/YgeQ0oTwzn

@kinsmed Jan 15, 2019
“Waddaya mean, you Democrats can’t back up any more?” https://t.co/6mYcor5iKn

@kinsmed Jan 16, 2019
, day 724 https://t.co/NYeTtKZOc5

@kinsmed Jan 16, 2019
, day 725 https://t.co/jKuMgTP9JS

@kinsmed Jan 16, 2019
The ‘hypoChristians’ are closing in at the highest level. https://t.co/jFWlMdqh3C

@kinsmed Jan 17, 2019
Michael Cohen Hired IT Firm To Rig Polls For Trump, And Bailed On Paying: Report https://t.co/Jo3ruAmH6x

@kinsmed Jan 17, 2019
Kremlin Names Trump Employee of the Month https://t.co/2bsyygTG9Q

@kinsmed Jan 17, 2019
, day 726 https://t.co/c6MqhW5mlZ

@kinsmed Jan 17, 2019
Guess who suddenly became ‘essential personnel’? https://t.co/9d3CllDAIp

@kinsmed Jan 17, 2019
Difference tween Trump and The Manchurian Candidate… is that Manchurian… is a thriller. https://t.co/YYnpvUWKaN

@kinsmed Jan 18, 2019
From the coward that had to be shamed into Iraq. If anyone else in the WORLD did this, we’d be seeking extradition. https://t.co/cqSKByUPJc

@kinsmed Jan 18, 2019
, day 727 https://t.co/3cYqLYvk4R

@kinsmed Jan 18, 2019

@kinsmed Jan 18, 2019
Once the Party of Trump comes out with a new conspiracy against Dems, look for where they are currently doing it.

@kinsmed Mar 30, 2019
Land of the free… https://t.co/yW7JByxG5l

@kinsmed Mar 31, 2019
, day 799 https://t.co/cBPm67yZ3j

@kinsmed Mar 31, 2019

@kinsmed Mar 31, 2019
Trump wants you to put faith in a guy that will last 2½ Scaramuccis. https://t.co/nCkaoe4dbc

@kinsmed Mar 31, 2019
I met Russians… no press. MicDropIn5Words

@kinsmed Mar 31, 2019
, day 800 https://t.co/Qfl10KmsYc

@kinsmed Apr 1, 2019
Mitch McConnell, who denied Obama the ability to confirm his judges, says it’s time to make it even easier for Trump to do it. https://t.co/m6q0XzCNVJ

@kinsmed Apr 1, 2019
Trump Country would be hurt the most. https://t.co/Tf0nueZck8

@kinsmed Apr 1, 2019
, day 801 https://t.co/53ZF5VG3T1

@kinsmed Apr 2, 2019
MAY have been? Jimmy, when our species is wiped out, the lower lifeforms will build a statue thanking YOU. https://t.co/LVSAlZHgdM

@kinsmed Apr 2, 2019
, day 802 https://t.co/dmK8ONgCoj

@kinsmed Apr 3, 2019
Let’s just toss a tarp over the Statue of Liberty for a couple years. https://t.co/7d3vSaLTMX

@kinsmed Apr 3, 2019
, day 803 https://t.co/AmvjEG4szS

@kinsmed Apr 4, 2019
, day 804 https://t.co/Rb41p0Bd0b

@kinsmed Apr 5, 2019
You elected them to write new laws. They’re letting corporations do it instead. https://t.co/wMdDgHmPs2

@kinsmed Apr 5, 2019
WHY do you need a third when EVERY other president uses ONE? https://t.co/qrjnzSQDos

@kinsmed Apr 5, 2019
Trumpistan, day 805 https://t.co/Xt6gPIIXx7

@kinsmed Apr 6, 2019

@kinsmed Apr 6, 2019
… by killing elected officials? https://t.co/k9R9yBwSbM

@kinsmed Apr 6, 2019
, day 806 https://t.co/kDqYmquUE7

@kinsmed Apr 20, 2019

@kinsmed Apr 20, 2019
, day 820 https://t.co/4GylxNBSAo

@kinsmed Apr 21, 2019

@kinsmed Apr 21, 2019
Remember the party of Joe McCarthy? https://t.co/6EQAKoamJv

@kinsmed Apr 21, 2019
What does a guy gotta do to get impeached around here… https://t.co/GZvpHu95f8

@kinsmed Apr 21, 2019
Questioning the Lakewood mayor’s opposition to capital gains taxes. https://t.co/y90fyna4EW

@kinsmed Apr 21, 2019
, day 821 https://t.co/e6LKaLQH2o

@kinsmed Apr 21, 2019
He didn’t like it. He liked it. He didn’t like it. He liked it. He didn’t like it… I’m starting to think this guy may not be stable. https://t.co/5eADn4iZTu

@kinsmed Apr 22, 2019
Yes, THAT Joe Walsh. https://t.co/13dvJtnlYc

@kinsmed Apr 22, 2019
Groundhog Dave PutNamesInFilmTitles

@kinsmed Apr 22, 2019
Monty Python and the Holy Greg PutNamesInFilmTitles

@kinsmed Apr 22, 2019
2001: A Stacy Odyssey PutNamesInFilmTitles

@kinsmed Apr 23, 2019

@kinsmed Apr 23, 2019
, day 822 https://t.co/ItCxzeBJQD

@kinsmed Apr 23, 2019
If America can survive that long. https://t.co/z57Isum2qS

@kinsmed Apr 23, 2019
Here is your next Carrell and Fey. https://t.co/IQGJJFPa6l

@kinsmed Apr 23, 2019
, day 823 https://t.co/Irhr3k4BWA

@kinsmed Apr 24, 2019
If any other president said this, we’d lose our goddamned minds. https://t.co/D8O9s5Mro6

@kinsmed Apr 24, 2019
GOP’s 21st Century motto; “I don’t recall”. https://t.co/wgNBHDfoDc
via @politico

@kinsmed Apr 24, 2019
Seems counter-productive for ‘the most productive president in history’… https://t.co/htNO6cRzzn

@kinsmed Apr 24, 2019
I guess when we taught our kids that government has ‘checks and balances’, Barr lied to them… and the Founding Fathers. https://t.co/z2gRFLnkw8

@kinsmed Apr 25, 2019

@kinsmed Apr 25, 2019

@kinsmed Apr 25, 2019
, day 824 https://t.co/FGoq8vYGZ7

@kinsmed Apr 26, 2019
, day 825 https://t.co/lkm3kEf1mT

@kinsmed Apr 26, 2019
Clearly this is NOT what the Founding Fathers designed. https://t.co/RnoJHjjDUT

@kinsmed Apr 26, 2019
GOP begins losing support. https://t.co/dGnWyi8xfj

@kinsmed Apr 26, 2019
“I’m a student of history. I see what you get when you fire people and it’s not good”. Um… you had a whole TV show… the catchphrase… https://t.co/rlq3K2AkT7

@kinsmed Apr 26, 2019
Snow White and the Seven Deaths DisneyMeetsHorrorMovies

@kinsmed Apr 26, 2019
“Hey! Enough with the glissandos, bud.” https://t.co/Eu7JxpUXT6

@kinsmed Apr 27, 2019
Imagine any other president ever spewing the insanity he does daily. https://t.co/5YZGurthEc

@kinsmed Apr 27, 2019
Gaslight, thy name is Trump. https://t.co/jKOxcU61rS

@kinsmed Apr 27, 2019
Some very fine people in Charlottesville. https://t.co/X3u4WMlrhr

@kinsmed Apr 27, 2019
, day 826 https://t.co/AFZVcqKmvA

@kinsmed Apr 27, 2019
, day 827 https://t.co/8ORVZjNePy

@kinsmed Apr 28, 2019

@kinsmed Apr 28, 2019
If I could have a superpower, it would be to tell Kyle Chandler and Ron Livingston apart.

@kinsmed Apr 28, 2019
, day 828 https://t.co/HksifQ0O1E

@kinsmed Apr 29, 2019
, day 829 https://t.co/IOw0rJ6LbR

@kinsmed Apr 29, 2019
TEN. THOUSAND. Obama’s mistake about ‘keep your doctor’ looks pretty anemic now, huh? https://t.co/GnViCR3H2z

@kinsmed May 5, 2019
I’m not surprised he can’t spell ‘stollen’. He certainly doesn’t know what it means. https://t.co/W8JiLIDHY9

@kinsmed May 5, 2019
You’d think after two years the stupidity would level off. https://t.co/a00MWJVSeB

@kinsmed May 5, 2019
, day 834 https://t.co/P2dQOc0IZ0

@kinsmed May 6, 2019

@kinsmed May 7, 2019
, day 835 https://t.co/MVyT0mWcHi

@kinsmed May 7, 2019
, day 836 https://t.co/U8lHK3expQ

@kinsmed May 7, 2019
A slice of yellow cake, anyone? https://t.co/firacPrdoe

@kinsmed May 8, 2019
For some reason we stared at our palm. BeforeWeHadCellPhones

@kinsmed May 8, 2019
, day 837 https://t.co/mXMTSSVxBj

@kinsmed May 9, 2019
, day 838 https://t.co/T7gNDRE09M

@kinsmed May 9, 2019
Just like Jesus would do. https://t.co/1MzIitRzEk

@kinsmed May 9, 2019
This won’t even break the top 3 of Trump crimes today. https://t.co/AGx3k9gV1T

@kinsmed May 9, 2019
The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a… GODDAMMIT, EARL! https://t.co/9nrROHQH8N

@kinsmed May 9, 2019
Trump laughed at a call to ‘shoot’ immigrants at his rally on Wednesday. Meanwhile, there’s a militia at the U.S.-Mexico border that’s just waiting for the green light to shoot immigrants. https://t.co/lgu5aXhIz7

@kinsmed May 9, 2019
Yeah, start swingin’ that double-edged sword around, Benedict Donald. https://t.co/5MPc0ayfRl

@kinsmed May 9, 2019
, day 839 https://t.co/73mE9UWbqx

@kinsmed May 10, 2019
, day 840 https://t.co/T9u0WxQ91s

@kinsmed May 10, 2019
Oh. And just for fun… https://t.co/HbcEKqBKJe

@kinsmed May 11, 2019
Isn’t narcissism THE indicator for megalomania? https://t.co/yK7DlbY9oD

@kinsmed May 11, 2019
I carried Tracey Norton over a 100yds down the hallway on her dare. She still married a guy off the football team.

@kinsmed May 16, 2019
, day 846 https://t.co/76KYtGCdhb

@kinsmed May 17, 2019
Chesterfield of Dreams FilmsYouCanSitOn

@kinsmed May 17, 2019
The Rock… ing chair FilmsYouCanSitOn

@kinsmed May 17, 2019
The Breakfast Nook Club FilmsYouCanSitOn

@kinsmed May 17, 2019
Diamond Tucks are Forever FilmsYouCanSitOn

@kinsmed May 17, 2019
Lawn Chair and Order FilmsYouCanSitOn

@kinsmed May 17, 2019
Anti-choice is pro-rapist visitation.

@kinsmed May 17, 2019
I have chocola… DistractMeIn4Words

@kinsmed May 17, 2019
In my lifetime, man has slipped the ‘surly bonds’ of Earth to step onto another planet. Hold on just a little longer, humanity. https://t.co/8tDdyiUmZp

@kinsmed May 17, 2019
, day 847 https://t.co/WEZCfYU6gg

@kinsmed May 19, 2019
, day 848 https://t.co/5Pj2rKMWhB

@kinsmed May 19, 2019
, day 849 https://t.co/xoP4oB7jG6

@kinsmed May 20, 2019
Hey, diddle, diddle. with this cat you won’t fiddle NurseryRhymeBreakups

@kinsmed May 20, 2019
There was an old lady who lived in a shoe Who’d live like that- so she left you. NurseryRhymeBreakups

@kinsmed May 20, 2019
Humpty Trumpy sat on a wall Sorry, Melania, but that wasn’t all… NurseryRhymeBreakups

@kinsmed May 20, 2019
Five. https://t.co/BmwbD7kRVT

@kinsmed May 20, 2019
, day 850 https://t.co/zNYv70fqzr

@kinsmed May 21, 2019
“But don’t look at MY ties to China. Or Russia. Or Germany. Or Saudi Arabia. Or… https://t.co/H23ihlKlGv

@kinsmed May 21, 2019
, day 851 https://t.co/v6J6jHWsd3

@kinsmed May 21, 2019
Turns out racism is anti-American. https://t.co/C4Q4DOy7HX

@kinsmed May 22, 2019
“…twice as many days golfing as Obama…” https://t.co/TwhKo5cu2K

@kinsmed May 22, 2019
Alliances we spent decades, centuries building. https://t.co/kxw2NgnUWk

@kinsmed May 22, 2019
“$40M”? Even if true, that’s less than half your golf budget. https://t.co/wXlMfMOKuF

@kinsmed May 22, 2019
Library Cardi BandsThatRead

@kinsmed May 22, 2019
Beach Books BandsThatRead

@kinsmed May 22, 2019
Florence and the Microfiche BandsThatRead

@kinsmed May 22, 2019

@kinsmed May 22, 2019
, day 852 https://t.co/Lcsg3JZjpy

@kinsmed May 23, 2019
with their soulmate.

@kinsmed May 23, 2019
More of that ‘most transparent adminstration ever’ biz. Unless… he lies? https://t.co/179sWKPkRM

@kinsmed May 24, 2019
, day 853 https://t.co/BSvjSiWT4s

@kinsmed May 24, 2019

@kinsmed May 24, 2019
, day 854 https://t.co/sKrmWcXkTH

@kinsmed May 25, 2019

@kinsmed May 25, 2019
Your legacy is of hate, Mr. ‘Make America Great Again’. https://t.co/3DDAXmwrEB

@kinsmed May 25, 2019
A raffle ticket for a ‘HUG’. No idea where it came from. StrangestThingsInMyWallet

@kinsmed May 25, 2019
, day 855 https://t.co/CCuFf0xFHn

@kinsmed May 26, 2019
, day 856 https://t.co/SGKS9Wqtrs

@kinsmed May 27, 2019

  1. How is this ‘American’? AnyWayYouSpinIt

@kinsmed May 27, 2019
, day 857 https://t.co/MDQMazFPCF

@kinsmed Jun 8, 2019
, day 869 https://t.co/9o0Foeksd4

@kinsmed Jun 9, 2019
The emperor has no clothing, no basis in facts… know nothing. https://t.co/MEQDWVJKnI

@kinsmed Jun 9, 2019
Beloved by a mob boss and dictators… not like that Nobel Prize-winning president. https://t.co/E7y7AQn6R1

@kinsmed Jun 9, 2019
So are the teachings of comrade Mao Tse Trump. https://t.co/Kd75be8Xac

@kinsmed Jun 9, 2019
You remember that? I don’t remember that. Or Obama having 17 Cong. trials or 4000 lawsuits or… https://t.co/FHxhT2GKGY

@kinsmed Jun 10, 2019
Hey, the rest of the world is becoming like US, shooting unarmed men! https://t.co/XxWHI1nzs5

@kinsmed Jun 10, 2019
, day 870 https://t.co/1N5VMTUEIK

@kinsmed Jun 10, 2019
, day 871 https://t.co/7nTn7l2hrD

@kinsmed Jun 11, 2019
America/global relations; same thing. https://t.co/ym1ZBGKnjF

@kinsmed Jun 11, 2019
Say a eulogy for checks and balances; good times, good times. https://t.co/wqkYt8HU2n

@kinsmed Jun 12, 2019
, day 872 https://t.co/zxaG6Pfd4C

@kinsmed Jun 12, 2019
This is it. I knew there would be a Trump fiasco that would illuminate his era best. https://t.co/uP5qTetXIC

@kinsmed Jun 12, 2019
“…Mr. Gorbachev, put up this wall!” https://t.co/gY63Y32hhC

@kinsmed Jun 12, 2019
, day 873 https://t.co/UAzWeBk79c

@kinsmed Jun 13, 2019
Why isn’t there a Hash store called Puffington Host… MyUltimateHashtag

@kinsmed Jun 13, 2019
Anything by Marvin Gaye; Sexual Healing. Let’s Get It On. How Sweet It Is.

@kinsmed Jun 13, 2019
, day 874 https://t.co/blMKau9UgU

@kinsmed Jun 14, 2019
I’ll bet Alabama’s GOP version of ‘sharia law’ allows this. https://t.co/WVIT7rGQVX

@kinsmed Jun 14, 2019
“Should I immediately call the FBI… I would never be trusted again.” https://t.co/ZfDnPKyOXH

@kinsmed Jun 14, 2019

@kinsmed Jun 19, 2019
, day 880 https://t.co/BZG7dJ51q8

@kinsmed Jun 20, 2019
RC and the Sunshine Band SodaPopMusic

@kinsmed Jun 20, 2019
7 Up, Up and Away SodaPopMusic

@kinsmed Jun 20, 2019
Someone Like Yoo-hoo SodaPopMusic

@kinsmed Jun 20, 2019
, day 881 https://t.co/xRMzWkNtZc

@kinsmed Jun 20, 2019
But… yellow cake! WMDs! Al Qaeda! NoWarWithIran

@kinsmed Jun 21, 2019
Remember all those bullshit ‘Greenpeace’ rally clean-up pix? Here’s what it’s trying to distract from. https://t.co/jA7FmHTN70

@kinsmed Jun 21, 2019
And the hits just keep on keepin’ on kids and kittens. https://t.co/YWKSxJkXhI

@kinsmed Jun 21, 2019
Hey, @GeorgeTakei
, look what we’re doing again in your lifetime… https://t.co/jchWFQ1Ms0

@kinsmed Jun 21, 2019
Is this a desperate lie? Or a Thursday for Trump… https://t.co/bD4tH3bETV

@kinsmed Jun 22, 2019
Now deny you are in the bag, Hannity. https://t.co/PIYjmJx9SB

@kinsmed Jun 22, 2019
What, did they not pay the bills from their rallies? https://t.co/OtTroAQViG

@kinsmed Jun 22, 2019

@kinsmed Jun 22, 2019
, day 882 https://t.co/ufhnRbHyW3

@kinsmed Jun 22, 2019
Two words, Three Percenters; ‘Lavoy Finicum’. https://t.co/sTvrcIkQAm

@kinsmed Jun 22, 2019
From a ‘million’ to zero. Just like your base. https://t.co/T3astO3X68

@kinsmed Jun 22, 2019
War and Resse’s Peace GiveABookASnack

@kinsmed Jun 22, 2019
50 Shades of Granola GiveABookASnack

@kinsmed Jun 22, 2019
Twix the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea giveabookasnack

@kinsmed Jun 22, 2019
Imagine a world where Trump NEVER answered for his actions. https://t.co/z23WLdkhpH

@kinsmed Jun 22, 2019
Trump dismisses two witnesses, but demands 25-year-old footage. https://t.co/NOguYllrni

@kinsmed Jun 23, 2019
, day 882 https://t.co/ufhnRbHyW3

@kinsmed Jun 23, 2019
You thought about bitcoin, but don’t want to pay trading fees… https://t.co/DuC1acvzfh

@kinsmed Jun 23, 2019
Huh. https://t.co/P4l89mS2EE

@kinsmed Jun 23, 2019
Those who don’t study history (like Trump) get schooled by those who lived it. https://t.co/H7YyrFs10q

@kinsmed Jun 23, 2019
“dys·to·pi·an”, see… https://t.co/o5qVqoYIT8

@kinsmed Jun 23, 2019
, day 883 https://t.co/mNJBJ1aFvU

@kinsmed Jun 24, 2019
Jesu Cristo… https://t.co/mJzin5cCjg

@kinsmed Jun 24, 2019
, day 884 https://t.co/yoFBoAVvq4

@kinsmed Jun 24, 2019
But let’s keep arguing about the semantics of the word. https://t.co/n5jwk9ILJK

@kinsmed Jun 25, 2019
, day 885 https://t.co/yAOIQGgFot

@kinsmed Jun 25, 2019
AG Bill Barr killed 7 Robert Mueller investigations — 10 days after he submitted his report https://t.co/824un85AVf

@kinsmed Jun 25, 2019
Yeah, yeah, mother of all battles, shock and awe, etc… https://t.co/uGkS1CFFbj

@kinsmed Jun 25, 2019
US boys and girls, we’re all wondering what you’ll die for. https://t.co/x7IOwGRhRI

@kinsmed Jun 25, 2019
We can no longer ignore the rest of the world. https://t.co/NCi2dqeBnR

@kinsmed Jun 25, 2019
, day 886 https://t.co/kK3Nvl9iYF

@kinsmed Jun 26, 2019
Bagpipes, usually played at funerals, now denote the death of a country. https://t.co/He8AV6EV2t

@kinsmed Jun 26, 2019
Who sez the GOP doesn’t do anything… https://t.co/nnKLae4kKl

@kinsmed Jun 26, 2019
Remember Highlights in the dentist’s office? Here’s how you know things are different… https://t.co/NRurhMvTWL

@kinsmed Jun 26, 2019
Really? How many times has Obama been married? Even Clinton? https://t.co/PIqelBwYQF

@kinsmed Jun 26, 2019
, day 887 https://t.co/TaDLYftYIn

@kinsmed Jun 27, 2019
The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is to blame someone else. https://t.co/ejmzvhuENp

@kinsmed Jun 27, 2019
By now, shouldn’t this guy have an order not to leave the country? https://t.co/Scu7NG51tj

@kinsmed Jun 27, 2019
Lindsay, you need to learn to use your ‘inside voice’. https://t.co/6037SgD0ut

@kinsmed Jun 27, 2019
Good news. Glad I contributed to The Guardian. https://t.co/7BthqC39us

@kinsmed Jun 27, 2019
, day 888 https://t.co/fH3Vz9Tq1k

@kinsmed Jun 28, 2019
So now it’s NOT a ‘terrorist fist jab’? https://t.co/vbH6Go6trl

@kinsmed Jun 28, 2019
, day 889 https://t.co/Hmaag6sjlR

@kinsmed Jun 29, 2019
No, she reps all non-whites. And would rep all Americans, unlike the current resident. https://t.co/G6FAkLXw75

@kinsmed Jun 29, 2019
Yet nobody asks where Trump’s parents were born or his wives. https://t.co/83IZR5IbDI

@kinsmed Jun 29, 2019
They want to defend America while Trump ‘fought bonespurs’… 5 times. https://t.co/pNStyaHbkv

@kinsmed Jun 30, 2019
, day 890 https://t.co/TiqEWNaefd

@kinsmed Jul 1, 2019
, day 891 https://t.co/qSUMlsD9Af

@kinsmed Jul 1, 2019
Ohhh. He thought you said ‘frame the swamp’. https://t.co/U0MkMrKTl4

@kinsmed Jul 1, 2019
Hey, Leader of the Free World; advocate for my business, too, and crush my enemies! https://t.co/6J8MEYVRk4

@kinsmed Jul 1, 2019
, day 892 https://t.co/rDMCfuw3uk

@kinsmed Jul 2, 2019
If they were Muslim, it would be breaking news every day. https://t.co/RIHadK2Als

@kinsmed Jul 2, 2019
Between emoluments and census meddling… tell me again how liberals want to change the constitution. https://t.co/nzMgmDWxPB

@kinsmed Jul 2, 2019
, day 893 https://t.co/ElBPNAjhxy

@kinsmed Jul 3, 2019
When the Purge starts, first thing is McTurtle WILL drink toilet water.

@kinsmed Jul 9, 2019
McConnell is starting a case of immunity because of insanity. https://t.co/faj9QoKIJV

@kinsmed Jul 9, 2019
Y’know what snowflakes have in common? They are all white. https://t.co/AciieOb967

@kinsmed Jul 9, 2019
Whitney lives. https://t.co/2IBzGc9Ry0

@kinsmed Jul 9, 2019
Ooh. This needs to be a monthly thing; PortfolioDay
You survive this month, you get pretty art.

@kinsmed Jul 9, 2019
Wait a minute… you mean Trump did something hypocritical?! partyofdoasIsay
… https://t.co/sxHlC9xdZu

@kinsmed Jul 9, 2019
Oregon redux; ‘nope, we can’t even talk about it’. https://t.co/lGXlGnnp62

@kinsmed Jul 9, 2019
, day 900 https://t.co/SAgMtO0CvM

@kinsmed Jul 10, 2019
, day 901 https://t.co/TMI4Hcnckr

@kinsmed Jul 10, 2019
Finally got around to seeing the season finale of @SEALTeamCBS
. And for the first time in decades… I cried.

@kinsmed Jul 11, 2019
Twitter is down. But… how will I tell anyone…

@kinsmed Jul 11, 2019
This won’t even crack the top three Trump breaking news stories today. https://t.co/muYWxxdLtm

@kinsmed Jul 11, 2019
“The opposite of sanity is Hannity.” https://t.co/xOuJcMZTLL

@kinsmed Jul 11, 2019
, day 902 https://t.co/TDD5FhtHzs

@kinsmed Jul 11, 2019
I can call the next one early. Why should America resemble a redneck trailer park…

@kinsmed Jul 11, 2019
Think I’ll wear a Star of David on Sunday. https://t.co/40FqiqadCh

@kinsmed Jul 12, 2019
Nobody. https://t.co/aHASQuzwh8

@kinsmed Jul 12, 2019
Are we going to pretend to be surprised when a supervillian arises from the concentration camps? https://t.co/pQxx1P2B6H

@kinsmed Jul 12, 2019
I’m running for City Council to break the status quo of politics. OneTermYourTurn

@kinsmed Jul 12, 2019
“…two-thirds of the Cabinet has turned over…” https://t.co/5wPk2TmrUD

@kinsmed Jul 13, 2019
, day 903 https://t.co/dWAwTC1KxO

@kinsmed Jul 17, 2019
How soon before billionaires are putting bounties on lib pols? https://t.co/1NmjVOSMxR

@kinsmed Jul 17, 2019
No. Not lettin’ this one get past. https://t.co/HtCfiAmAkP

@kinsmed Jul 18, 2019
, day 908 https://t.co/As7b1SSbMH

@kinsmed Jul 18, 2019
Remember when your folks said you can become president? They should have aimed higher.

@kinsmed Jul 18, 2019
Yeah. THAT’S it. https://t.co/yKp2INrs6O

@kinsmed Jul 18, 2019
Man, somebody ain’t swept here in a long time… UnlikelyFirstWordsOnTheMoon

@kinsmed Jul 18, 2019
Did I leave the oven on? UnlikelyFirstWordsOnTheMoon

@kinsmed Jul 18, 2019
I guess there IS a Starbucks here. UnlikelyFirstWordsOnTheMoon

@kinsmed Jul 18, 2019
… how did I not hear about this from you?! https://t.co/Atk9YVyFf3

@kinsmed Jul 18, 2019
Just a coincidence that the GOP has the inverted pentagram, kiddies! https://t.co/8j3X6b0jcU

@kinsmed Jul 18, 2019
, day 909 https://t.co/CfCqzx1cbv

@kinsmed Jul 19, 2019
Here’s Trump hating on America. Is it time for him to leave? https://t.co/THeW9mJQlA

@kinsmed Jul 19, 2019
Merkel says Trump tweets ‘go against what makes America great’ https://t.co/ZDedAKFds6

@kinsmed Jul 19, 2019
“…it has been adopted by fifteen states and DC. Together, they have 196 electoral votes, which is 36.4% of the Electoral College…” https://t.co/SovjvNmH1p

@kinsmed Jul 19, 2019
Pacific Garbage Gyre? Nope. Don’t believe it. https://t.co/v4e22L8Tl6

@kinsmed Jul 19, 2019
This horrific video of anyone else would be career-ending. For this president… it’s a Friday. https://t.co/W2sv37xuLS

@kinsmed Jul 19, 2019
, day 910 https://t.co/tQWqyYgCXz

@kinsmed Jul 19, 2019
See if Trump can pass it first. https://t.co/0JRVzGQpnW

@kinsmed Jul 20, 2019
No immigration? Population of US down 700000 every year. https://t.co/nEi9NM67Nt

@kinsmed Jul 20, 2019
Murad; ‘my family was killed’. Trump; ‘where are they now?’ https://t.co/GmxvqkoXOt

@kinsmed Jul 20, 2019
BBC News – Pro-China Hong Kong protester calls BBC reporter ‘fake news’ during broadcast https://t.co/TdV1FJhByo

@kinsmed Jul 20, 2019
I’ve given you 900. Here’s 1500. https://t.co/Oww4cMuCCs

@kinsmed Jul 20, 2019

@kinsmed Jul 20, 2019

@kinsmed Jul 20, 2019
, day 911 https://t.co/QJdtmtXBhU

@kinsmed Jul 21, 2019
All the Things You Can No Longer Buy if You’re a True MAGA Trump Fan. https://t.co/nTyhbQ6kJu

@kinsmed Jul 21, 2019
And this list is… seemingly endless. https://t.co/qtXoNKwmRz

@kinsmed Jul 21, 2019
, day 912 https://t.co/qGXmk7ObnL

@kinsmed Jul 22, 2019
How many white slaves did you have. https://t.co/VMdaTfACP4

@kinsmed Jul 22, 2019
Compare/contrast to another dictator’s claim of ‘mother of all wars’… https://t.co/ZFFRNLKcde

@kinsmed Jul 22, 2019
, day 913 https://t.co/ZNpqjM84u4

@kinsmed Jul 22, 2019
If you don’t want to report, I can report it for you. https://t.co/IFiENRBKVB

@kinsmed Jul 23, 2019
What Seattle learned from having the highest minimum wage in the nation. https://t.co/VxoE8u64tp

@kinsmed Jul 23, 2019
whuh… https://t.co/TQbIjCkZ7P

@kinsmed Jul 23, 2019
More tribute to the ‘most transparent administration in history’. https://t.co/UPD8doacaa

@kinsmed Jul 23, 2019
The only way to stop a… cold order of… https://t.co/mML12aZUoQ

@kinsmed Jul 23, 2019
Suddenly ‘The Don’ puts value in a lawsuit… of which there are 4000 against him. https://t.co/ckvVE6Iyjn

@kinsmed Jul 23, 2019
‘Good Guy With A Gun’, blah, blah, blah. https://t.co/xXBp7liNGV

@kinsmed Jul 24, 2019
, day 914 https://t.co/K90GNB0HWQ

@kinsmed Jul 24, 2019
Trumpistan runner-up https://t.co/RZZ6ONo0xm

@kinsmed Jul 24, 2019
God, make it end. https://t.co/dNtUtUgIDE

@kinsmed Jul 24, 2019
Then a conviction against Trump would be a Triumph! https://t.co/d4EW7x3BOa

@kinsmed Jul 25, 2019
, day 915 https://t.co/k96gWkpt5T

@kinsmed Jul 25, 2019
The trend ClintonBodyCount
is proof the Party of Trump has hit the abyss of desperation. Y’know… they hold NO elected office right now?

@kinsmed Jul 25, 2019
Know someone not voting? Tell them Russia says thanks. https://t.co/f8rwD09BvC

@kinsmed Jul 25, 2019
I remember this America. Barely. https://t.co/X9X4nV01Yj

@kinsmed Jul 25, 2019
Say it with me, ‘retiring to spend more time with his… family?’ https://t.co/l6GqGNcOlX

@kinsmed Jul 25, 2019
I’m sick of this shit. If an elected official is killed and you are on record endorsing it, you should be charged with conspiracy to commit. https://t.co/MLVi8JuLQL

@kinsmed Jul 25, 2019
Well, here you go; the tail wags the dog. https://t.co/ua5gpvkS22

@kinsmed Jul 25, 2019
, day 916 https://t.co/pirccs4w1z

@kinsmed Jul 26, 2019
Heads up, people pretending to be progressive are gonna tell you it’s futile to vote. Ask yourself (and them)… why they need to do that.

@kinsmed Jul 26, 2019
, day 917 https://t.co/PS1Dkgf8Op

@kinsmed Jul 27, 2019
‘Everything is everybody’s fault except me.’ https://t.co/8mD1sbojQo

@kinsmed Jul 27, 2019
What happened to ‘if you don’t like America, leave?’ https://t.co/dzM3zAIbxP

@kinsmed Jul 28, 2019
, day 918 https://t.co/wXp5SOcjs5

@kinsmed Jul 28, 2019
Next time he runs for president, put a ‘C’ on his application. https://t.co/hoHF7B2TD9

@kinsmed Jul 28, 2019
Tell us more about the dumps in Balmer, Jared’s father-in-law. https://t.co/mca2ILv5N5

@kinsmed Jul 28, 2019
, day 919 https://t.co/vtFKLJxVIL

@kinsmed Jul 29, 2019

@kinsmed Jul 29, 2019
I guess the GOP IS okay with ‘cut and run’. https://t.co/NBPbX8W50d

@kinsmed Jul 29, 2019
, day 920 https://t.co/BcUttK0JvM

@kinsmed Jul 30, 2019

@kinsmed Jul 30, 2019

@kinsmed Jul 30, 2019

@kinsmed Jul 31, 2019
, day 921 https://t.co/tczUP8DyFZ

@kinsmed Jul 31, 2019
, day 922 https://t.co/RmsBBGiyWd

@kinsmed Jul 31, 2019
Remember when we only planted 300 million trees? No? https://t.co/LGrI0Y5iwY

@kinsmed Aug 1, 2019
God. It hurts to see we took a 180 presidentially. https://t.co/9s9JHZZ6wW

@kinsmed Aug 1, 2019
Remember the GOP raising the ceiling. ‘Cause they’re gonna scream about it in 3 years. https://t.co/8cs1hShyUB

@kinsmed Aug 1, 2019
, day 923 https://t.co/eoNEDuhQVN

@kinsmed Aug 2, 2019
Good guy with a gun arrests 100 kids. Not one shooter stopped. https://t.co/UMefEE18NS

@kinsmed Aug 2, 2019
, day 924 https://t.co/QOYfM084Jz

@kinsmed Aug 2, 2019
Megameth RuinABandNameWithOneLetter

@kinsmed Aug 2, 2019
Lazy Antebellum RuinABandNameWithOneLetter

@kinsmed Aug 2, 2019
Pentatonic RuinABandNameWithOneLetter

@kinsmed Aug 2, 2019

@kinsmed Aug 3, 2019
Sooo… The White House hasn’t held a press briefing since March 11? How many days? Almost 150?!!

@kinsmed Aug 3, 2019

@kinsmed Aug 3, 2019
Massacre in Australia; automatic guns banned. Norway? Banned. New Zealand? Banned. America? So what… https://t.co/QCsnyaeMjr

@kinsmed Aug 4, 2019
251 mass shootings 216 days… SoWhat

@kinsmed Aug 4, 2019
, day 925 https://t.co/xxBKuPlb2Y

@kinsmed Aug 4, 2019
“…far-right extremists were responsible for 100% of all terrorist attacks on US soil since the end of 2017” TellMeMoreAboutTheViolentLeft

@kinsmed Aug 4, 2019
Faux Nois forced to report on the tragedy it created. https://t.co/dnfXXawWGO

@kinsmed Aug 4, 2019
blah, blah, blah… https://t.co/Yi4I8NFbhI

@kinsmed Aug 4, 2019
“I, Donald J. Trump, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC…”

@kinsmed Aug 4, 2019
This won’t even make the top three of Trump horrors on any given day. https://t.co/NjjKqlNjxU

@kinsmed Aug 4, 2019
Like shooting someone on 5th Ave? https://t.co/c2opbHalqY

@kinsmed Aug 5, 2019

@kinsmed Aug 5, 2019

@kinsmed Aug 5, 2019
, day 926 https://t.co/gMeCtxh1hv

@kinsmed Aug 5, 2019
, day 927 https://t.co/CTf7NjEwnN

@kinsmed Aug 6, 2019

@kinsmed Aug 6, 2019

@kinsmed Aug 6, 2019

@kinsmed Aug 6, 2019
‘Monica Lewinsky’ is trending?! In five years there better be a damned series about the Trump administration.

@kinsmed Aug 7, 2019
, day 928 https://t.co/wfBDvxdiKL

@kinsmed Aug 7, 2019
, day 929 https://t.co/lSGB2nHezu

@kinsmed Aug 7, 2019
No problem, let every other country align with Russia and China and isolate US; missile makers looove war. https://t.co/MlmyNoavt2

@kinsmed Aug 8, 2019
America… this is what we have become. How is America Great Again like this? https://t.co/3ZFjA2IQYv

@kinsmed Aug 8, 2019
My good God. How do people not get it that if there were no white supremacists, there would be NO ‘anti-fascists’?! https://t.co/hPrF2icZUd

@kinsmed Aug 13, 2019
, day 935 https://t.co/TssPLajiQz

@kinsmed Aug 14, 2019
Look at this. LOOK AT IT! https://t.co/BLqVmHP1LQ

@kinsmed Aug 14, 2019
, day 936 https://t.co/LAEmWg3Lux

@kinsmed Aug 15, 2019
Add this to the tragedies at Bowling Green and Toledo. covfefe. https://t.co/5EhDw74M7V

@kinsmed Aug 15, 2019
Any other president, this would be a story from The Onion. https://t.co/rJGxu1ZqyW

@kinsmed Aug 16, 2019
, day 937 https://t.co/1ARfhz8Gkh

@kinsmed Aug 16, 2019
, day 938 https://t.co/bb5XvbmbDB

@kinsmed Aug 16, 2019
Y’know, the people who DONT have guns… and are trying to save lives. https://t.co/fKhmH5fMze

@kinsmed Aug 17, 2019
Now, let’s put guns in EVERY school. https://t.co/ho9pZL82sH

@kinsmed Aug 17, 2019

@kinsmed Aug 17, 2019
, day 939 https://t.co/BsML1E6hYT

@kinsmed Aug 18, 2019
Nope. No global warming here. Move along. Move along. https://t.co/SgiwcIn6yB

@kinsmed Aug 18, 2019
You can’t have ‘anti-fascists’ if there were no ‘fascists’. See? https://t.co/0eBoMuRb54

@kinsmed Aug 18, 2019
Huh. I guess he’s NOT an ally of LGBT. Did he lie?! https://t.co/cSWfXr66OG

@kinsmed Aug 18, 2019
Nope. No such thing as global warming. Move along Move along. https://t.co/VseyItl1dZ

@kinsmed Aug 18, 2019
Artisanal tofu MillennialPizzaToppings

@kinsmed Aug 18, 2019
That Ain’t Cheese® MillennialPizzaToppings

@kinsmed Aug 18, 2019
Avocado toast crust MillennialPizzaToppings

@kinsmed Aug 18, 2019
, day 940 https://t.co/9MHhHwuOet

@kinsmed Aug 19, 2019
Why does this have to be said; ‘if there were no fascists, there would be no ANTI-fascists’? https://t.co/7Ulqh9Gtz4

@kinsmed Aug 22, 2019
What about Stormy Daniels. Is she on that list? https://t.co/ANpKpJ8sHx

@kinsmed Aug 22, 2019
, day 944 https://t.co/nmTFFNe38k

@kinsmed Aug 23, 2019

@kinsmed Aug 23, 2019
“No more foreigners for US!” (Greenland population, 56,171)

@kinsmed Aug 23, 2019
Even IF it were true… why the hell would you say you disrupted life-saving?! https://t.co/l7LchBkhbS

@kinsmed Aug 24, 2019
, day 945 https://t.co/VdSULPWG3W

@kinsmed Aug 24, 2019
Same candidate who said he would protect Medicare? Did he lie? https://t.co/x9JsQWKNQe

@kinsmed Aug 24, 2019
Trump supporter = apparatchik https://t.co/dc66FqSIoi

@kinsmed Aug 24, 2019
Let me guess, Trump brands are excluded… again… https://t.co/80dYYmBPNL

@kinsmed Aug 24, 2019
, day 946 https://t.co/dgeXIH2mWI

@kinsmed Aug 25, 2019
Is there a greater need during this administration? https://t.co/koy2Ep0X4R

@kinsmed Aug 25, 2019
NEWSFLASH! – https://t.co/yDLaf4uVuF

@kinsmed Aug 25, 2019
“…insisting…” Any doubt which country he works for now? https://t.co/weLM2rnYYw

@kinsmed Aug 25, 2019
If this were a work of fiction it would be completely implausible. https://t.co/I5rsXBE7VL

@kinsmed Aug 25, 2019
, day 947 https://t.co/D0OnTG2cKu

@kinsmed Aug 26, 2019
All the cons saying the liberals want to change the Constitution… where are they now. https://t.co/uOGWzfLmkD

@kinsmed Aug 26, 2019
…and ISIS is making a comeback. Is THAT his fault? https://t.co/gC2FpinWsZ

@kinsmed Aug 26, 2019
Save a dollar, lose a planet. – Mark 8:36 https://t.co/WPZQR5FRCn

@kinsmed Aug 26, 2019
Happy Birthday, @ShockedTracey

@kinsmed Aug 27, 2019
Not even trying to cover his fealty to petro. https://t.co/MFgokJvGWg

@kinsmed Aug 27, 2019
, day 948 https://t.co/gC2FpinWsZ

@kinsmed Aug 27, 2019
“Drain the swamp…” and pour it right into the White House. https://t.co/NU1uWzALrp

@kinsmed Aug 27, 2019

@kinsmed Aug 27, 2019
‘Cause what? She put kids in cages? Boned a porn star? Asked an enemy to conspire? Violated the Constitution? Kills the planet? https://t.co/wmw5B8Avju

@kinsmed Aug 27, 2019
, day 949 https://t.co/zAgWSYbjZr

@kinsmed Aug 27, 2019
And he should be forced to take melanin injections. https://t.co/MjUUZgjlY9

@kinsmed Aug 28, 2019

  1. https://t.co/UWIwKZ5BZ9

@kinsmed Aug 28, 2019
Almost half a year ago. https://t.co/3ze8y0f70R

@kinsmed Aug 28, 2019
Military already has a hard time finding those willing to deploy. Pregnant wives note WILL NOT accompany. Less likely troops will want to. https://t.co/v5SuYLM1il

@kinsmed Aug 28, 2019
Anti-vaxxers, you can no longer rely on ‘herd immunity’. https://t.co/CJ2D03Jkvf

@kinsmed Aug 28, 2019
, day 950 https://t.co/HDWIWwBwAG

@kinsmed Aug 29, 2019
In any other administration, this would be a scandal. Today, it won’t even make the top three scandals of this administration. https://t.co/YZly7PqdwG

@kinsmed Aug 29, 2019
He doesn’t care about Americans. Only his ‘supporters’. https://t.co/3jE65PvPlU

@kinsmed Aug 29, 2019
Please GOP president… tell us again about Jewish loyalty. https://t.co/QS0QCmBXmQ

@kinsmed Aug 29, 2019
Having a black president whiplashed into getting Trump. Trump will whiplash into the death of the GOP.

@kinsmed Aug 29, 2019
Ah, Fox. The arbiter of ‘family values’… https://t.co/oQGEGBfpgL

@kinsmed Aug 29, 2019
The ‘Warrior Monk’. Commandant of the Marine Corps. And he gets stuck serving for Cadet Bonespurs. https://t.co/ImCCXWgMiR

@kinsmed Aug 29, 2019

@kinsmed Aug 30, 2019

@kinsmed Aug 30, 2019
, day 951 https://t.co/PpShq0iHqg

@kinsmed Aug 30, 2019
If conception was intention vs. arbitrary… would we exist.

@kinsmed Aug 30, 2019
(Church and state. Church and state. Why does that sound familiar… ) https://t.co/oXwdM9kohK

@kinsmed Aug 31, 2019

@kinsmed Aug 31, 2019
, day 952 https://t.co/pSYhUEP0dr

@kinsmed Aug 31, 2019
I am ashamed of this fellow Marine. TellMeMoreAboutTheViolentLeft

@kinsmed Aug 31, 2019
GunLogic https://t.co/7kUDeKQOcW

@kinsmed Sep 1, 2019
, day 953 https://t.co/W3BOQIEeGQ

@kinsmed Sep 1, 2019
, day 954 https://t.co/Bm8QSKWc65

@kinsmed Sep 2, 2019
, day 955 https://t.co/MkeYvRa0Qk

@kinsmed Sep 3, 2019
, day 956 https://t.co/DesiWz55ZC

@kinsmed Sep 4, 2019
, day 957 https://t.co/bqhDeFYiDZ

@kinsmed Sep 5, 2019
Maybe worse than Bowling Green, Toledo, and Sweden combined. https://t.co/n8QcLNEIyM

@kinsmed Sep 6, 2019
, day 958 https://t.co/PxF3Ve5493

@kinsmed Sep 6, 2019

@kinsmed Sep 7, 2019
, day 959 https://t.co/JHnASWE5NY

@kinsmed Sep 7, 2019
My girl can’t wait to rip my (luau) shirt off me.

@kinsmed Sep 7, 2019
Union dads could support an entire household. https://t.co/rF0KlPuMOB

@kinsmed Sep 7, 2019
GOP would FREAK if a Dem prez did this. Instead… complicit silence. https://t.co/4EEm3B181s

@kinsmed Sep 7, 2019
No shit. https://t.co/IjjdyylK0w

@kinsmed Sep 7, 2019
, day 960 https://t.co/svbBRMobOk

@kinsmed Sep 13, 2019
, day 965 https://t.co/wkBpFYMYLD

@kinsmed Sep 14, 2019
, day 966 https://t.co/vKCxFM5crD

@kinsmed Sep 14, 2019
, day 967 https://t.co/xWeSFMfSaG

@kinsmed Sep 15, 2019
, day 968 https://t.co/oI1QGuHZKk

@kinsmed Sep 15, 2019
Sez the sue-happy business multi-failure… https://t.co/NDbaPqsqrY

@kinsmed Sep 15, 2019
Yes, you are a military fan. But there’s a little more to you. Introducing @GiantCat9

@kinsmed Sep 15, 2019

@kinsmed Sep 16, 2019
Let’s not deny that Russia has been attacking us for years. https://t.co/Lg0OAYuH23

@kinsmed Sep 16, 2019
You look like you need a laugh… https://t.co/R6kAcdqMCs

@kinsmed Sep 17, 2019
, day 968 https://t.co/GIc7HWPGYI

@kinsmed Sep 17, 2019
Tell me this is not the behavior of a dictator. https://t.co/oI1QGuHZKk

@kinsmed Sep 17, 2019

@kinsmed Sep 17, 2019
Gun huggers cry about their rights… stores and other shoppers rights can go to hell. https://t.co/UxUxWJD8mc

@kinsmed Sep 17, 2019

@kinsmed Sep 17, 2019
, day 970 https://t.co/jlDkZTRIVc

@kinsmed Sep 18, 2019

@kinsmed Sep 18, 2019
, day 971 https://t.co/qxyDOPaqJT

@kinsmed Sep 19, 2019
, day 972 https://t.co/IqmDg0xMry

@kinsmed Sep 20, 2019
25% of this guy’s time is golf. But no time to do government work. https://t.co/Z4FhKqw4G2

@kinsmed Sep 20, 2019
, day 973 https://t.co/i1UCTtMSAY

@kinsmed Sep 21, 2019
EVERYTHING Trump accused that Obama would do… Obama didn’t. But Trump did.

@kinsmed Sep 22, 2019

@kinsmed Sep 22, 2019
Gee. I wonder what kind of presidency THIS guy would have… https://t.co/ERUYlOCEmd

@kinsmed Sep 22, 2019
Where will the GOP be if Trump is impeached? https://t.co/xIm4LEeKjT

@kinsmed Sep 22, 2019
And why isn’t he calling for the investigation of Justice Kennedy’s reason for retiring? https://t.co/268P3TxmdV

@kinsmed Sep 22, 2019
Why is the party of Joe McCarthy and Edgar Hoover okay with Russian and Ukraine election interference?

@kinsmed Sep 22, 2019
, day 974 https://t.co/KIqfdliVJG

@kinsmed Sep 23, 2019
, day 975 https://t.co/3po2bH4Pf3

@kinsmed Sep 23, 2019
Trump shouldn’t have lasted 100 days. We are closing on 1000. Goddammit.

@kinsmed Sep 23, 2019
What if… this was the moment that changed everything. https://t.co/S5B18mJRwo

@kinsmed Sep 23, 2019
Trump will win… by lying. https://t.co/ZLkKliOZ5M

@kinsmed Sep 23, 2019
‘…unaccountable office…’ ‘…secret law…’ Next Trump will start killing drug dealers. We now have our banana republic. https://t.co/XmiSNxmSdn

@kinsmed Sep 23, 2019

@kinsmed Sep 23, 2019
, day 976 https://t.co/HVHWSX4wRx

@kinsmed Sep 23, 2019
Remember that time Democratic elitists put cars on Mackinac? No? https://t.co/M6H8gRhFGQ

@kinsmed Sep 24, 2019
Fox needs a whole separate channel just for their apologies. https://t.co/CZ7C5yUWzR

@kinsmed Sep 24, 2019
That’s not a denial. https://t.co/sztDDpRDLf

@kinsmed Sep 24, 2019
I have waited over two years to say this… Trump is being impeached. https://t.co/XGvAVVLOBU
via @GoogleNews

@kinsmed Sep 25, 2019
, day 977 https://t.co/rwNTfCHQMe

@kinsmed Sep 25, 2019
One hundred. To zero. The GOP is terrified. https://t.co/URz95BExuD

@kinsmed Sep 25, 2019
The tent-pole of Trump’s campaign. This won’t even break the top three of Trump crises today. https://t.co/uVeZiWFJPH

@kinsmed Sep 25, 2019

@kinsmed Sep 25, 2019
, day 978 https://t.co/ySPUwx0j7R

@kinsmed Sep 26, 2019
Trump; “No more infrastructure bills, no more anything” https://t.co/LxXDgJwHfR

@kinsmed Sep 26, 2019
Say it with me… “LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP! “LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP!… https://t.co/9tKtkYQf3g

@kinsmed Sep 26, 2019
I don’t know why this supermodel makes me laugh so hard. https://t.co/yZfltDhdGt

@kinsmed Sep 26, 2019
, day 979 https://t.co/8vRLWP9FcM

@kinsmed Sep 27, 2019
Oh. In that case… (Seriously?) https://t.co/4RWvkroOT3

@kinsmed Sep 27, 2019
And, by the way, you INHERITED this “best Stock Market and Economy in our history” after Obama cleaned up a GOP crash. Funny that factoid gets lost by you. https://t.co/4RWvkroOT3

@kinsmed Sep 27, 2019
…but with a whimper https://t.co/z0lPotvxRS

@kinsmed Sep 27, 2019
⁩Intimidated by men. But not President Trump. Interesting. https://t.co/qvlN3YHHtr

@kinsmed Sep 28, 2019
REALLY?!! They having sex with porn stars? After the birth of their 5th child from their 3rd wife? Putting kids in cages? https://t.co/ErTahw08LF

@kinsmed Sep 28, 2019
, day 980 https://t.co/nkFsX1YhDC

@kinsmed Sep 28, 2019
Mr. “Art of the Deal” couldn’t get a loan from US. https://t.co/6ybMRzTbur

@kinsmed Sep 28, 2019
, day 981 https://t.co/9ldUx63Ml7

@kinsmed Sep 29, 2019
Yes… you HAVE entered Bizzaro World. Uhhh… Obama wore a tan suit! https://t.co/VO13C5wGGC

@kinsmed Sep 29, 2019
, day 982 https://t.co/bo4hAzUbi6

@kinsmed Sep 30, 2019
… by getting farther away from American strengths? https://t.co/RFoyH2DYl3

@kinsmed Sep 30, 2019
Can’t imagine why Trump’s diplomacy has NEVER worked… https://t.co/qHbmgX7GXn

@kinsmed Sep 30, 2019
Probably a good thing I missed this one. Still… https://t.co/QIKKR1Hsr5

@kinsmed Sep 30, 2019
Evidence shows time and time again… YOU lied! https://t.co/5BbZWcK7a1

@kinsmed Sep 30, 2019
“Texodus”; when the SIXTH GOP rep quits rather than face a clearly blue wave election. https://t.co/BVCmGnCGM4

@kinsmed Sep 30, 2019
“…discredit U.S. intelligence agencies…” Dear God. Why hast thou forsaken me. https://t.co/O9CZ3Att8r

@kinsmed Sep 30, 2019
Trump slogan; ‘do as we say, not as we do’. LockThemUp

@kinsmed Sep 30, 2019
, day 983 https://t.co/FaTjSmDT9T

@kinsmed Oct 1, 2019
Do As I Say, Not As I Do® https://t.co/yc0TNr34p3

@kinsmed Oct 1, 2019
, day 984 https://t.co/lTjGEs8DIx

@kinsmed Oct 1, 2019
Yup. Even the rodents are jumping ship. https://t.co/6uB7hSuAyN

@kinsmed Oct 2, 2019
Drain the Swamp… and pour it into the White House, Exhibit 985. https://t.co/EADKCHO8UO

@kinsmed Oct 2, 2019
Someone is getting emoled… https://t.co/lJXCvsIVjy

@kinsmed Oct 2, 2019
Trump is that kid that pesters everyone if they’re going to ‘finish those fries?’.

@kinsmed Oct 2, 2019
This won’t even make the top three of Trump scandals today. https://t.co/BtYfWHfBRx

@kinsmed Oct 2, 2019
Evangelical’s Old Testament had John The Baptist. New Evangelical Testament now has Don the Blasphemist. https://t.co/LBbZwBa8Ox

@kinsmed Oct 2, 2019
https://t.co/POlAndF792 via @slate

@kinsmed Oct 2, 2019
, day 985 https://t.co/Rop5Ga7mjW

@kinsmed Oct 2, 2019
He’d rather do it himself. https://t.co/BsOVQDjda1

@kinsmed Oct 3, 2019
Denny Heck call was a troll. Heck comes to every event I invite him. Saw him two weeks ago working crowd at ribbon-cutting…

@kinsmed Oct 3, 2019
How many have to hold this guy’s hand? https://t.co/7LnCnbcFTV

@kinsmed Oct 3, 2019
Henry VIII forsook the Church. Why can’t Trump forsake the Constitution? https://t.co/vR8Chvd0Ph

@kinsmed Oct 3, 2019
Why is it the ‘Party of Family Values’ is always on their their third wife? Take a note here, GOP. https://t.co/8fLDNj0BVk

@kinsmed Oct 3, 2019
Same guy who asked about nukes in his first meeting as Prez… three times. https://t.co/Qqaf2kXj42

@kinsmed Oct 3, 2019
Hang onto this. Yer gonna need it. https://t.co/I4Ayh2wOry

@kinsmed Oct 3, 2019
Don’t let Omar’s name come out of your mouth until you acknowledge right-wingers have killed 200 in the last 15 years. https://t.co/YnQ0HVwv9H

@kinsmed Oct 3, 2019
, day 986 https://t.co/7cdg5w6291

@kinsmed Oct 4, 2019

@kinsmed Oct 4, 2019
, day 987 https://t.co/vbVtDxyfPL

@kinsmed Oct 5, 2019
Trek lives https://t.co/2sVPGCqqCZ

@kinsmed Oct 5, 2019
Good thing we gave up war games in that region. And, ummm… what did we get? https://t.co/dYzcZDrfXQ

@kinsmed Oct 6, 2019
So much for the gatekeepers of ‘freedom’. https://t.co/tpbiJpRVqb

@kinsmed Oct 6, 2019
, day 988 https://t.co/dZJCpV5hHg

@kinsmed Oct 6, 2019
Have you considered looking into the death of Vice President Nelson Rockefeller?

@kinsmed Oct 6, 2019
Why does no one talk about the weird death of Vice President Nelson Rockefeller? https://t.co/xn7FSJUggT

@kinsmed Oct 6, 2019
Let’s just agree that we’re going to be nicer to GOP presidents that the GOP has been to Dem presidents. Slightly.

@kinsmed Oct 6, 2019
, day 989 https://t.co/kqVKgwa5y6

@kinsmed Oct 7, 2019
Trump has gone full-on “Great and Powerful Oz”. Every day is becoming more dire. https://t.co/6bxcTsdDaN

@kinsmed Oct 7, 2019
The GOP is ALWAYS overrepesented on Sunday shows. Not this week. Why, oh, why could that be?!! https://t.co/PyA321J6CM

@kinsmed Oct 7, 2019
, day 990 https://t.co/L1ASvffgO0

@kinsmed Oct 8, 2019
NOW I want the Senate to sit on its ass. SeeYouInNovember

@kinsmed Oct 8, 2019
, day 991 https://t.co/NSyVpootNp

@kinsmed Oct 9, 2019

@kinsmed Oct 9, 2019
The farm has been in your family for generations. Then you voted for Trump… https://t.co/QxhNtMWH6h

@kinsmed Oct 9, 2019
Fox. https://t.co/9nSvUOxJZr

@kinsmed Oct 9, 2019
We doan need no steenkin checks and balances… https://t.co/O6WSvNnAHs

@kinsmed Oct 9, 2019
The stupidity is breath-taking. Yet daily. https://t.co/9QoJOtPca0

@kinsmed Oct 9, 2019
, day 992 https://t.co/INmJW3ej0I

@kinsmed Oct 9, 2019
‘concerned…’ about cultural appropriation of his business practices. https://t.co/GcWkZWFDwE

@kinsmed Oct 10, 2019
, day 993 https://t.co/1wluhPrpHD

@kinsmed Oct 11, 2019
, day 994 https://t.co/rpGujrFU24

@kinsmed Oct 12, 2019

@kinsmed Oct 12, 2019
Please… tell me again how the Dems are shredding the Constitution; “Congress shall make no law… abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press.” https://t.co/4zXBcupO1h

@kinsmed Oct 12, 2019
Holy Shit! Church and state! CHURCH AND STATE!!! https://t.co/NDM25r3fgQ

@kinsmed Oct 12, 2019
Guess those expensive lessons with Stormy Daniels paid off. Now let’s look into finishing school for this ‘stable genius’. https://t.co/v9ySOzU8qT

@kinsmed Oct 12, 2019
, day 995 https://t.co/edgF5tsYag

@kinsmed Oct 13, 2019
, day 996 https://t.co/OdjnQq6HGl

@kinsmed Oct 14, 2019
Of course he was joking. Look at all the comedy shows the GOP has. Just none on television. Or anywhere else.

@kinsmed Oct 14, 2019
…and he’s NEVER lied… https://t.co/1r16tCEZ2K

@kinsmed Oct 14, 2019
The best way to stop a bad guy with a gun… blah, blah, blah… https://t.co/aLB3aTlIaw

@kinsmed Oct 14, 2019

@kinsmed Oct 14, 2019
What is the ‘right’ side of history? https://t.co/ScvMudxjH3

@kinsmed Oct 14, 2019
, day 997 https://t.co/IT7htdSRLh

@kinsmed Oct 16, 2019
, day 998 https://t.co/IWRVV9JAM4

@kinsmed Oct 16, 2019

@kinsmed Oct 16, 2019
Who. Who does this? https://t.co/haasKfzM4G

@kinsmed Oct 16, 2019
Really, why can’t the content run as well as the ads do…

@kinsmed Oct 16, 2019
, day 999 https://t.co/L7jd8RDIJn

@kinsmed Oct 16, 2019
I guess ‘cut-and-run’ is okay now. https://t.co/8nxgGqMGq9

@kinsmed Oct 18, 2019
, day 1000. https://t.co/8Fhqn16JWC

@kinsmed Oct 18, 2019
1000 days. Dear God. How did this guy last 100.

@kinsmed Oct 19, 2019

@kinsmed Oct 19, 2019
Wellll… better have three more investigations, y’know, just to hose things up. https://t.co/A627w6eLka

@kinsmed Oct 19, 2019
YOU are more informed than Eric Trump on this. https://t.co/VGbSkZv20z

@kinsmed Oct 19, 2019
Conservative Anti-Christ? Or bi-partisan hero… https://t.co/lTAwJfzEz0

@kinsmed Oct 19, 2019
This will not even be the worst Trump news today. Or second… https://t.co/BOiOw6U0TH

@kinsmed Oct 19, 2019
This is NOT the worst Trump news today. https://t.co/t2q7tRrrGL

@kinsmed Oct 19, 2019
, day 1001 https://t.co/B1ldhqBmly

@kinsmed Oct 20, 2019
Sounds like the first draft of the Declaration did. https://t.co/UAJcte0rP6

@kinsmed Oct 20, 2019
, day 1002 https://t.co/zrpc7bdnPy

@kinsmed Oct 20, 2019
, day 1003 https://t.co/hWnXCBTFqp

@kinsmed Oct 21, 2019
Some men just want to watch the word burn. https://t.co/VrkF9lpGQR

@kinsmed Oct 22, 2019
, day 1004 https://t.co/bOd8Fh1hB9

@kinsmed Oct 22, 2019
He ‘was joking, being sarcastic’. Sound familiar? https://t.co/S2xplPA7j2

@kinsmed Oct 22, 2019
Hey, conservative. Tell me one more time how libs wanna change the Constitution. https://t.co/oxACgC2ala

@kinsmed Oct 22, 2019
“Brought to you by the makers of Benghazi! And Benghazi II! Benghazi III! And Benghazi IV!” https://t.co/WGi0HalfV6

@kinsmed Oct 22, 2019
, day 1005 https://t.co/k1TwFy5EaR

@kinsmed Oct 23, 2019
McConnell sits on 400 bills. But considers justice ‘unfair’. https://t.co/wSV0UtouOc

@kinsmed Oct 23, 2019
Why did this never come up with Obama? https://t.co/pBl3gbYzaX

@kinsmed Oct 23, 2019
, day 1006 https://t.co/gQoOVxXQGT

@kinsmed Oct 24, 2019

  1. https://t.co/hZTqWCoGfm

@kinsmed Oct 24, 2019
, day 1007 https://t.co/msY3b2uQtT

@kinsmed Oct 25, 2019
Nearly 250 years old, but now the IQ of US has dropped below 100. https://t.co/KDPfHxhKTd

@kinsmed Oct 25, 2019
Again, another blistering story that won’t even crack the top three of Trump scandals today. https://t.co/2YWaIN9ymq

@kinsmed Oct 25, 2019
Make America Quiet Again. https://t.co/u8rr2pZNs6

@kinsmed Oct 25, 2019
Are they discussing this ALL the time? https://t.co/KNAHQKqT5K

@kinsmed Oct 25, 2019
Again… not even top three. https://t.co/d1ZnB7inpU

@kinsmed Oct 25, 2019
THIS won’t even make top three. https://t.co/T6swpng1YH

@kinsmed Oct 25, 2019
Because THIS is top three. https://t.co/vTlgrZXENY

@kinsmed Oct 25, 2019
And THIS is top three. And… https://t.co/dm8Mkpyeoy

@kinsmed Oct 25, 2019
, day 1008 https://t.co/H6C2GLpGvA

@kinsmed Oct 25, 2019
So about now you’re really gonna need this. https://t.co/C4Q6stsibJ

@kinsmed Oct 26, 2019
It brought together Israel and Egypt. Now it’s a rented hall. On your dime. https://t.co/rZfEBxnxds

@kinsmed Oct 26, 2019
Presidente Rodrigo Dontrumpe has spoken! https://t.co/UiEEt6olU5

@kinsmed Oct 26, 2019
, day 1009 https://t.co/vULQuut156

@kinsmed Oct 26, 2019
Please… PLEASE tell me more about the goddamned ‘Deep State’. DOASISAYNOTASIDO

@kinsmed Oct 27, 2019
, day 1010 https://t.co/ElTlk5mxIY

@kinsmed Oct 27, 2019
Clearly the solution for this is more guns. IfEverybodyHadGunsNobodyWouldEverGetShot
gunlogic https://t.co/4dWvQWdPuh

@kinsmed Oct 28, 2019
, day 1011 https://t.co/DCs1rleMkm

@kinsmed Oct 30, 2019
Thom, we better prime voters for the Deep Fake videos before they surprise them.

@kinsmed Oct 30, 2019
Resistance is futile. https://t.co/AMElEdYMdC

@kinsmed Oct 30, 2019
, day 1012 https://t.co/7CE6AH8dKP

@kinsmed Oct 30, 2019
, day 1013 https://t.co/nWjokMS86V

@kinsmed Oct 31, 2019
The idiocy is stupefying. https://t.co/KneLSZUKcL

@kinsmed Oct 31, 2019
…said the self-described ‘most transparent president in US history’. https://t.co/owmxfWPY5c

@kinsmed Oct 31, 2019
God damn it. https://t.co/5yhUgQmA02

@kinsmed Oct 31, 2019
“Lock him out! Lock him out! Lock him out! Lock him…” https://t.co/ybT5x4DyDg

@kinsmed Oct 31, 2019
, day 1014 https://t.co/NrgBWjsGe1

@kinsmed Nov 1, 2019
, day 1015 https://t.co/on08T3NUdD

@kinsmed Nov 1, 2019
…and let’s ignore the number of Trump appointees that have quit his administration in record numbers. https://t.co/bCbCuQhve6
via @GoogleNews

@kinsmed Nov 2, 2019
This WILL come up in conversation. https://t.co/3IJpcWYp3w

@kinsmed Nov 2, 2019
Is this what you wanted for your children? https://t.co/m2E2aTRvy9

@kinsmed Nov 2, 2019
Michael’s gets that A-hole award I give for stores holiday advertising too early.

@kinsmed Nov 2, 2019
“Whoa! She told me you were separated!”

@kinsmed Nov 2, 2019
, day 1016 https://t.co/BYxNuXzgNn

@kinsmed Nov 3, 2019

@kinsmed Nov 4, 2019
“they are getting impeached alongside him…” You are. https://t.co/TGz0cvuJHn

@kinsmed Nov 4, 2019
, day 1017 https://t.co/y6REyUuaFp

@kinsmed Nov 4, 2019
This won’t even be the top three of Trump scandals today. https://t.co/Vd53asXHgX

@kinsmed Nov 4, 2019
Majority say they are not better off financially under Trump: poll https://t.co/e1tj2LjvcG

@kinsmed Nov 4, 2019
I expect Trump will retweet this satire any second now. https://t.co/Ses0MFWvmN

@kinsmed Nov 4, 2019
It’s either corruption or sheer stupidity. https://t.co/0GOSunhc2K

@kinsmed Nov 4, 2019

@kinsmed Nov 4, 2019
, day 1018 https://t.co/u78IQ6DITw

@kinsmed Nov 5, 2019
, day 1019 https://t.co/xtt79MTSN6

@kinsmed Nov 6, 2019

@kinsmed Nov 6, 2019
If they can protect America, America can damned sure protect them. https://t.co/zj2jFg8WeT

@kinsmed Nov 6, 2019
Snowflakes living in trailer parks carrying billionaire’s water.

@kinsmed Nov 6, 2019
Being the only nation going into debt over medical costs.

@kinsmed Nov 6, 2019
People who bitch about socialism while getting help from Communists.

@kinsmed Nov 6, 2019
, day 1020 https://t.co/8Q9mGciFlB

@kinsmed Nov 6, 2019
GOP; Hypocrisy Я Us. https://t.co/6gyIi0rJ7b

@kinsmed Nov 7, 2019
Anything that is NOT Fox News. Come to think of it… WhatTriggersConservatives

@kinsmed Nov 7, 2019
The cracks are widening. https://t.co/p95I0Z4hfO

@kinsmed Nov 8, 2019
, day 1021 https://t.co/T1onkHoMmP

@kinsmed Nov 9, 2019
This won’t even make the top three of Trump scandals today. https://t.co/5SDSW6ONoh

@kinsmed Nov 9, 2019
Trump scandal ibid… https://t.co/nOBvwxVZSN

@kinsmed Nov 9, 2019
Trump scandal ibid… https://t.co/2Wu6mbtD9Q

@kinsmed Nov 9, 2019
, day 1022 https://t.co/lSZWMIrbiD

@kinsmed Nov 9, 2019
, day 1023 https://t.co/A4VUXihiYF

@kinsmed Nov 10, 2019

@kinsmed Nov 10, 2019

@kinsmed Nov 10, 2019
, day 1024 https://t.co/13dwxjY5KR

@kinsmed Nov 11, 2019
Don’t know a veteran? This is SFC Remsburg, Cory. https://t.co/iq9T5UEFex

@kinsmed Nov 11, 2019
Are you a low-mileage driver? This is better insurance in so many ways; https://t.co/7rZLFws55p

@kinsmed Nov 12, 2019
, day 1025 https://t.co/YRBkcF7oSG

@kinsmed Nov 12, 2019
The aegis of Trump’s entire era. https://t.co/5KbBBhGfaP

@kinsmed Nov 12, 2019
Remind me again… we’re the greatest country in the world, right? But the only one that has this problem. https://t.co/77taFOxsSj

@kinsmed Nov 12, 2019
Then he better not give Israel aid and piss off Kushner’s Saudi Arabia. https://t.co/BT7fXV2b2V

@kinsmed Nov 12, 2019
Death Stranding review; ‘as a Postmates deliverer, Daryl Dixon spends a lot of time peeing into a river…’

@kinsmed Nov 12, 2019
, day 1026 https://t.co/sbTySke4ar

@kinsmed Nov 13, 2019
GOP impeachments when I’m young, GOP impeachments when I’m old. If only I could find some common theme here…

@kinsmed Nov 13, 2019
GOP roll call; “White male?” “heah”. “White male?” “here”. “White male?” “heah”….

@kinsmed Nov 13, 2019
, day 1027 https://t.co/P1251QnqVq

@kinsmed Nov 14, 2019
Ain’t Trump. That’s all. IHopeOurNextPresident

@kinsmed Nov 14, 2019
, day 1028 https://t.co/Zh7cx1bQkp

@kinsmed Nov 15, 2019
“American Indians serve in the armed forces at a higher rate than any other demographic…” https://t.co/ErxkoAC4TX

@kinsmed Nov 15, 2019
“No obstruction” President is obstructing. Bigly. Sad. https://t.co/OZXCeW9re5

@kinsmed Nov 15, 2019
, day 1029 https://t.co/uqMhTdSqFl

@kinsmed Nov 15, 2019
Jesus Christ, it shouldn’t HAVE to! https://t.co/YYhSDVftwL

@kinsmed Nov 16, 2019
I’m sure Dear Leader wouldn’t mind us abandoning Koreaheyyyy… https://t.co/Manp95cyri

@kinsmed Nov 16, 2019
Here is a complete list of Republicans that have repudiated Miller’s racism… . . . https://t.co/3f8Lxx8pZn

@kinsmed Nov 16, 2019
I’m sure Pootie Poot wouldn’t mind us abandoning Syriaheyyyy… https://t.co/exapcSV2HZ

@kinsmed Nov 17, 2019
, day 1030 https://t.co/f2dNoUyUeY

@kinsmed Nov 17, 2019
Everything women do is right and everything men do is wrong. WhyMenNeedABreak

@kinsmed Nov 17, 2019
, day 1031 https://t.co/jpzWSqaobI

@kinsmed Nov 18, 2019

  1. That were found. https://t.co/zVkpokMCIK

@kinsmed Nov 18, 2019
Won’t even crack the top three of Trump scandals today. https://t.co/1kvirBN5NW

@kinsmed Nov 18, 2019
‘Uh, uh, Hunter Biden! Uh, perfect call! Uh, uh… Hunter Biden!’ https://t.co/XLnn38j3qn

@kinsmed Nov 18, 2019
What did the world get for cutting China Sea exercises? (Hint; nothing) https://t.co/iFvaaTrYIO

@kinsmed Nov 19, 2019
We’re 1… https://t.co/n6hNblOcGz

@kinsmed Nov 19, 2019
Life Hack; “Walking in a scary area at night? Download a police scanner app for your phone and listen to it on full volume”.

@kinsmed Nov 19, 2019
, day 1032 https://t.co/7OvFPwp9gw

@kinsmed Nov 20, 2019
Wow. https://t.co/wgpibDbxNe

@kinsmed Nov 20, 2019
, day 1033 https://t.co/HnhjUOC48S

@kinsmed Nov 20, 2019
“But… her emails!” https://t.co/uUIAltnyha

@kinsmed Nov 20, 2019
, day 1034 https://t.co/yJvljVV9Wb

@kinsmed Nov 21, 2019
Fun Fact; an avowed racist works for Trump. GOP response… https://t.co/wNHIFafpvJ

@kinsmed Nov 21, 2019
Keep punching. I mean ‘a dress’. I mean address! https://t.co/oyCVy2WoN1

@kinsmed Nov 21, 2019
The unrepentant social media king and dictator-wannabe in a secret meeting. What don’t they want you to know? https://t.co/HhVTwuSeOS

@kinsmed Nov 21, 2019
…’cause this is what innocent people do. https://t.co/1oOJdotn1c

@kinsmed Nov 21, 2019
You are in a yard full of rakes, Sideshow GOP. https://t.co/0B9rcMuRdy

@kinsmed Nov 21, 2019
I’m gonna try to say, ‘Well, mahalo, kemosabe’ three times tomoro. https://t.co/tRadjIuWfM

@kinsmed Nov 21, 2019
, day 1035 https://t.co/29HS76LS87

@kinsmed Nov 22, 2019
, day 1036 https://t.co/lDqamoJFJG

@kinsmed Nov 23, 2019
…makes sense a reality show would have so many Acting.. https://t.co/dnus2cSHo3

@kinsmed Nov 23, 2019
My God. I never even thought to ask. https://t.co/khUCC4mNPm

@kinsmed Nov 23, 2019
And now this is part of the history of US. https://t.co/JbuOo7qAzO

@kinsmed Nov 23, 2019
From orange buffoon to a buffoon wearing orange. https://t.co/5SR016voE1

@kinsmed Nov 23, 2019
, day 1037 https://t.co/0toQam0jyK

@kinsmed Nov 24, 2019
Indian tacosam I doing this right?

@kinsmed Nov 24, 2019
Trump loves dictators and hates ideal Americans. What if that secret gets out… https://t.co/5hIbp9nwus

@kinsmed Nov 24, 2019
Giuliani associate wants to testify that Nunes aides hid Ukraine meetings on Biden dirt from Schiff https://t.co/aZ5D7x2279

@kinsmed Dec 1, 2019
“Grab ‘Em By The Pussy”®: Trump 2020. https://t.co/gyUJD6wuVM

@kinsmed Dec 1, 2019
, day 1045 https://t.co/UCl21BvsqM

@kinsmed Dec 3, 2019
, day 1046 https://t.co/w6C185hmfm

@kinsmed Dec 4, 2019
So he can dish it out, but he can’t take it. https://t.co/SYZDelUO3W

@kinsmed Dec 4, 2019
, day 1047 https://t.co/hApOslRNrk

@kinsmed Dec 4, 2019
How can you be Leader of the Free World if… https://t.co/0ip8AiqZct

@kinsmed Dec 4, 2019
Soooo… are Attorneys General not schooled up in the First Amendment? https://t.co/z7Rt8MTZGk
via @thedailybeast

@kinsmed Dec 4, 2019
How animal are you? https://t.co/wT2cbzXd8b

@kinsmed Dec 4, 2019
, day 1048 https://t.co/m2hroxxjAk

@kinsmed Dec 5, 2019
“…don’t mess with me when it comes to words like that” Silence from the press corps. https://t.co/m5rkUZ7NAx

@kinsmed Dec 5, 2019
, day 1049 https://t.co/QAkEKufLl6

@kinsmed Dec 6, 2019
How does GOP keep getting voted in with rampant amnesia? https://t.co/jgT2vU3uJw

@kinsmed Dec 6, 2019
I was watching this Trek episode yesterday… https://t.co/oAcs77hhCP

@kinsmed Dec 7, 2019
, day 1050 https://t.co/XsrBhMJTNK

@kinsmed Dec 7, 2019
, day 1051 https://t.co/aENG5Zc1Is

@kinsmed Dec 7, 2019
What if this wasn’t an unusual story. https://t.co/poWx1qNGfw

@kinsmed Dec 8, 2019
You mean the guy with no experience and happens to be a relative? https://t.co/qMkmsD5t6X

@kinsmed Dec 8, 2019
I wonder if Jones ever did a story on ‘immigrant paradox’… https://t.co/bTsmsEK5t0

@kinsmed Dec 8, 2019
What if Miller were Muslim… https://t.co/rYkDGJHpYg

@kinsmed Dec 8, 2019
, day 1053 https://t.co/3nL3HuYTaP

@kinsmed Dec 18, 2019
The Kind of Story We Need Right Now: 82-year-old Bodybuilder Beat up Burglar. https://t.co/hvNhD1duvf

@kinsmed Dec 18, 2019
My work here is done. Trumpistan
, day 1062 https://t.co/Ise8PUws14

@kinsmed Dec 19, 2019
Trump Administration Lists Wakanda as Free Trade Partner on Government Website https://t.co/Cqxh4rrRhN